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[Introduction to CPD Requirement]

The public has the right to expect that registered veterinary surgeons providing professional services do so in a competent and contemporary manner. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential to maintain and enhance professional skills and knowledge.

CPD is an interactive process by which registered veterinary surgeons enhance the skills and knowledge they had at the time of graduation. The majority of the CPD should be relevant to the spheres in which they practise or plan to practice, and should contribute directly to the professional competence of the practising veterinary surgeon.

Section 16 of the Code of Practice for the Guidance of Registered Veterinary Surgeons stipulates that registered veterinary surgeons need to maintain currency in skills and knowledge to ensure that the public are consistently offered the best options.

The Veterinary Surgeons Board ("the Board"), having consulted the Hong Kong Veterinary Association, China (Hong Kong) Veterinary Association and all registered veterinary surgeons in Hong Kong, has decided that it is appropriate time to introduce a CPD monitoring system for the veterinary profession in Hong Kong.

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