[Message from the Chairman] [About the VSB] [List of Registered Veterinary Surgeons with Valid Practising Certificates] [List of Registered Veterinary Surgeons Authorised to Advertise as, or Profess to be, Specialists] [Relevant Ordinances and Rules] [Guide to Applicants] [Clinical Training for Registration Purpose] [Continuing Professional Development] [Complaint] [Disciplinary Inquiry] [Newsletters] [Useful Websites] [FAQ] [What's New?]

[About the VSB]

Mission of the VSB
Function of VSB
Membership of the VSB
Committees of the VSB

Functions of the Board

The Board shall -

  1. establish and maintain a register of registered veterinary surgeons;

  2. set and review the qualification standards for registration as a registered veterinary surgeon and related registration matters;

  3. advise the Government on registration matters;

  4. examine and verify the qualifications of persons who apply for registration as registered veterinary surgeons;

  5. receive, examine, accept or reject applications for registration and renewal of registration as a registered veterinary surgeon;

  6. deal with disciplinary offences;

  7. keep proper records of its proceedings;

  8. lodge with the Secretary for Food and Health, qualification standards established from time to time under paragraph 2; and

  9. carry out such other functions as the Veterinary Surgeons Registration Ordinance may prescribe.