[Message from the Chairman] [About the VSB] [List of Registered Veterinary Surgeons with Valid Practising Certificates] [List of Registered Veterinary Surgeons Authorised to Advertise as, or Profess to be, Specialists] [Relevant Ordinances and Rules] [Guide to Applicants] [Clinical Training for Registration Purpose] [Continuing Professional Development] [Complaint] [Disciplinary Inquiry] [Newsletters] [Useful Websites] [FAQ] [What's New?]

[Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]


Question (1):
Is the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Hong Kong a government body?

No. The Veterinary Surgeons Board ("Board") is a statutory body established under the Veterinary Surgeons Registration Ordinance, CAP. 529 for the regulation of the practice of veterinary surgery in Hong Kong. While secretarial support to the Board is provided by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, it operates independently to dishcarge its statutory functions.

The Board is commissioned to establish and maintain a register of registered veterinary surgeons; to set the qualification standards for registration; to determine applications for registration; to make rules for professional conduct and discipline of registered veterinary surgeons; and to deal with disciplinary offences. The Board is empowered under the Ordinance to issue certificates, permits, and to provide services for carrying into effect its statutory functions.

Complaint Against a Registered Veterinary Surgeon

Question (2):
How can I lodge a complaint against a veterinary surgeon?

Complaints must be in writing and sent to the Secretary of the Board. Please refer to the complaint leaflet "How the Veterinary Surgeons Board Deals With Complaints Alleging Professional Misconduct or Neglect by Registered Veterinary Surgeons" for details. The leaflet is obtainable from the Board's Secretariat upon request and from the Board's official website at "www.vsbhk.org.hk". for details.

Question (3):
How long does it take to process a complaint?

While the Board always tries its very best to process every complaint expeditiously, one should bear in mind that a thorough investigation takes time and, depending on the complexity of the case, it generally takes months or even longer before a case can be concluded.

Question (4):
Can the Veterinary Surgeons Board help me get refund or compensation from the veterinary surgeon?

The Board has no jurisdiction over claims for refund or compensation. Any one who wishes to seek monetary recompense from the veterinary surgeon will have to do so through separate civil proceedings.

Question (5) Can the Veterinary Surgeons Board deal with complaints against illegal practice of veterinary surgery?
Answer: The Board has NO jurisdiction over non-registered persons who practise veterinary surgery. Complaints which are related to non-registered persons / illegal practice should be referred to the Police for investigation.

Application for Registration as a Veterinary Surgeon in Hong Kong

Question (6):
How long does it take to process an application for registration?

The Board aims at completing the processing of an application within one month from the time all required documents are received.

Nonetheless, the application process will take longer if:

  1. the information / documents provided are incomplete;

  2. the veterinary training institutions, overseas registration bodies or referees etc. fails to respond to the Board's request for verification of information timely;

  3. the qualification obtained by the applicant is not currently recognized by the Board for registration purpose. He is required to have his qualification assessed by a recognized accreditation body e.g. Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications before the Board can process his application further (N.B. qualifications recognized by the Board can be obtained from the Secretariat or from the Board's official website); or

  4. the applicant holds a qualification listed in Schedule 2 of the Rules of the Veterinary Surgeons Board (Registration of Veterinary Surgeons) i.e. graduate from the National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan, who is required to undergo 6 months clinical training in a designated veterinary practice (for more details, please contact the Secretariat of the Board or visit the Board's official website).
Question (7): Can veterinarians from the Mainland China practise in Hong Kong?
Answer: Any person, no matter his nationality or place of study, who wants to practise as a veterinary surgeon in Hong Kong has to apply for registration in accordance with the Rules of the Veterinary Surgeons Board (Registration of Veterinary Surgeons) and obtain a practising certificate. Currently, the Board does not recognize any veterinary qualification awarded by universities in the Mainland China (please refer to Question (8) below).
Question (8): What should I do if my qualification is not recognized by the Board?
Answer: If the qualification obtained by the applicant is not one of the veterinary qualifications which are recognized by the Board for registration purpose, the applicant will need to prove to the Board's satisfaction that his qualification meets the required minimum professional standard of the Board before the Board will consider whether to accept his qualification, training and experience for the purpose of registration in his particular case. In order to do this, such an applicant is required to submit with his application written confirmation from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications that the veterinary qualification held by him meets the required minimum professional standard of the Board. The cost of such assessment, including the cost (if any) of the written confirmation, will have to be borne by the applicant. For the avoidance of doubt, the fact that the veterinary qualification held by an applicant for registration that is not one of the qualifications which is recognized generally by the Board for registration purpose, i.e. is not one of the qualifications listed in Schedule 1, 2 or 3 of the Rules of the Veterinary Surgeons Board (Registration of Veterinary Surgeons), meets the required minimum professional standard of the Board does not mean the qualification will necessarily be accepted by the Board as being sufficient for the purpose of registration in the applicant’s particular case.
Question (9): Is there any veterinary medicine programme / course offered in Hong Kong which is recognizable by the Board for registration as a veterinary surgeon?
Answer: There is none.
Question (10): Can a person who has been convicted in Hong Kong or elsewhere of any offence apply for registration as a registered veterinary surgeon in Hong Kong?
Answer: Where the applicant has been found guilty of professional misconduct or has been convicted of an offence, it does not automatically mean that the applicant is not a fit and proper person to be registered. The Board will take into consideration the individual circumstances of the case, the nature of the misconduct/conviction, the gravity of the case, and the implication of the misconduct/conviction on the competency or character of the applicant. The applicant has the responsibility to provide the details of the case.